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  • Writer's pictureEllenAura


It's November, Virgo! The month welcomes us with Mercury stationing direct after 3 weeks of being retrograde, and this is happening in your 2nd house of possessions, security and finances. Your attention is turned towards what you value and what you have no need for any longer, a good time to take stock of your finances and assess what is working and what isn’t! On the 10th, Mercury ingresses your 3rd house of Scorpio, shifting your focus onto your communication, community and thoughts. This is not a time to slow down, in fact, Mercury transiting the 3rd house indicates a moment of high mental stimulation, where you might have lots of ideas you want to communicate and put into play! On the 12th, we have the conjunction between Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn, which takes place in your 5th house of creativity, self-expression and children. This last conjunction between the planet of expansion and the planet of the underworld could bring a big new beginning to your life, whether that’s a creative project or a partner. Don’t shy away from new possibilities! The day after, on the 13th, Mars stations direct in your 8th house of shared finances, resources and taxes. During Mars’ transit through your 8th house, be careful of not spending joint resources on foolish objects and projects. Mars tends to burn and cut, and this house specifically deals with shared things, whether that’s material possessions, money, investments, etc. Make sure you are making moves wisely and not just for the sake of making moves without a purpose. On the 14th, there is a New Moon in Scorpio, activating your 3rd house of immediate community and communication, indicating a good time where bringing out fresh, new ideas and polishing them up could have good results being manifested as long as you are clear and concise about them. The more specific we are with the intentions we put out in the universe, the better chance we’ll have of these manifesting accordingly! On the 21st, Venus moves into your 3rd house, signaling harmony and pleasure to your everyday life, or at least providing you with the ability of being able to recognize that there is beauty and love everywhere around you. On the same day, the Sun enters your 4th house of Sagittarius, shining a light and bringing focus to your home and family life and how these have an effect on you, both in past and present situations, and how you can work with these to be more comfortable in your home setting. On the 28th, Neptune in Pisces stations direct in your 7th house of relationships. These outer planets move significantly slower that the personal planets, so their effects are more on the subconscious level and they happen throughout many years. In this case, Neptune has been hanging out in your 7th house since 2012 roughly, which means your personal, intimate, one on one relationships have been undergoing its effects, which include misunderstandings, hiding true feelings, overidealizing and not communicating clearly. When things get too much for you, remember to take a step back and clear yourself from the fog in order to come to the table with a fresh outlook! This applies to any type of partnership/relationship (whether its romantic, friendship or business) The month finishes up with a bang during the Full Moon Penumbral Eclipse in Gemini, peaking in your 10th house of career and legacy. These themes are at the super forefront during this lunation. A reminder that eclipses are NOT a good time to manifest, as the energy is too chaotic and out of balance already. It is best to go with the flow and clean up loose ends, since eclipses are usually a cycle that lasts about 1.5 years. So the advice for this eclipse in Gemini is to let go of any old and outdated ideas, behaviours, patterns, burdens that pertain to your career life. Make way for new possibilities!

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