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My practice involves Traditional & Hellenistic techniques combined with Modern Astrology takes, so we can navigate and understand your chart together and how to work with it.

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“Personal worthiness arises from doing what we do well, and astrology provides a means to discover and affirm that individual potential.”

Demetra George, Astrology & the Authentic Self

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Pisces Full Moon Astrology Forecast
Liberate Yourself

Pisces Full Moon Astrology Forecast

Visit us online at for more awesome spiritual content, metaphysical shopping, and to book a private session with Ellen Aura or any of our amazing and gifted practitioners via Zoom or over the phone. PISCES FULL MOON The Full Moon in Pisces occurs on Monday, September 20th with its peak time of 4:53 PM PST. This is a good lunation to get to the root of situations, find the issue and be able to release any obstacles and patterns that are self-imposed. There can also be unexpected exchanges whether they involve you or they are happening around you! PISCES FULL MOON CRYSTAL RECOMMENDATION The crystal we recommend working with for this Full Moon is Labradorite. This is a great stone for healing and doing inner work, especially if we want to weave out negative patterns and leave them behind. It can also enhance psychic abilities and can be used for psychic protection. PISCES FULL MOON EVENTS The events we recommend are the Full Moon in Pisces Women’s Circle with Kirsten Korot, in person at our Sherman Oaks location on Monday September 20th at 6:30PM & Breathwork - and - Meditation for Manifestation with Raquelle David on Tuesday, September 21st (& every Tuesday!) at 7PM both in-person at our Sherman Oaks location & via livestream! Full Moon Blessings to you and yours! Love, Ellen Aura & the Liberate Fam If you liked this video and you love Liberate consider donating, by clicking on the link below, and help us to continue to make content that changes lives ! Donate To Liberate |
Aquarius Full Moon 2.0 Astrology Forecast
Liberate Yourself

Aquarius Full Moon 2.0 Astrology Forecast

Visit us online at for more awesome spiritual content, metaphysical shopping, and to book a private session with Ellen Aura or any of our amazing and gifted practitioners via Zoom or over the phone. AQUARIUS FULL MOON The Full Moon in Aquarius takes place on Sunday, August 22nd with its peak time of 5:02 AM PST. This Full Moon is a great opportunity to release and leave behind old boundaries, structures and foundations that no longer serve you and the future vision of yourself. This is the 3rd Saturn ruled Full Moon in a row, how have the themes of restrictions and limitations been coming up for you these last few months? What else is asked of you to let go of so you can move forward with a clean slate this next Lunar Cycle? AQUARIUS FULL MOON CRYSTAL RECOMMENDATION The crystal we recommend for working with this Full Moon is Tiger’s eye, which is a great grounding stone that also helps with willpower, clarity and focus. Find it in our online store here: AQUARIUS FULL MOON EVENTS For events to recommend, we have 2 scheduled on the day of the Full Moon. For our Sherman Oaks location, we have our Blindfolded Cacao Ceremony with Celeste McMillian, at 5pm. Tickets are $35 Early Bird and $45 Day Of. For our Los Feliz location, we have our Full Moon Burning Ritual & Manifestation with Rev Doreene at 6pm. Suggested donation of $15. Get tickets here: If you liked this video and you love Liberate consider donating, by clicking on the link below, and help us to continue to make content that changes lives! Donate To Liberate |
Aquarius Full Moon Astrology Forecast
Liberate Yourself

Aquarius Full Moon Astrology Forecast

Visit us online at for more awesome spiritual content, metaphysical shopping, and to book a private session with Ellen Aura or any of our amazing and gifted practitioners via Zoom or over the phone. AQUARIUS FULL MOON The Aquarius Full Moon takes place on Thursday, July 23rd with its peak time of 7:37PM PST. This lunation has the energy of being a more introspective and serious release, but with the potential of re-inventing and exploring new ways of expressing and releasing our thoughts, feelings and emotions. CRYSTAL RECOMMENDATION We recommend working with Aquamarine for this Full Moon, as it will help open and clear both the throat and heart chakra, as well as providing some empathy and compassion for ourselves and others. Aquamarine is available for purchase in our online store for only $4! Find it here: RECOMMENDED EVENTS For our livestream people, we have Meditation & Healing for Wild Card, with Lili Reyes at 5PM and Devotional Chanting for Meditation and Healing with Gopala Bhakta at 8pm, both on Thursday, July 23rd. For in person events, we recommend our Heart-Opening Cacao Ceremony and Pranic Healing Clinic by donation, both on Sunday, July 25th from 5 - 7 PM. For tickets visit us at If you liked this video and you love Liberate consider donating, by clicking on the link below, and help us to continue to make content that changes lives Donate To Liberate |
Sagittarius Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Astrology Forecast
Liberate Yourself

Sagittarius Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Astrology Forecast

Visit us online at for more awesome spiritual content, metaphysical shopping, and to book a private session with Ellen Aura or any of our amazing and gifted practitioners via Zoom or over the phone. LUNAR ECLIPSE IN SAGITTARIUS The lunar eclipse in Sagittarius occurs on Wednesday, May 25th, with its peak time of 4:13AM PST. Eclipse season is usually not one to manifest under, so for this time being it’s best if we focus our energy into activities in which we can express ourselves throughout, such as journaling, meditating, painting, dancing, singing, whatever it is for you! Our recommended events for this lunation are both on Tuesday, May 24th and are still virtual so you can join us from anywhere in the world! RECOMMENDED HEALING EVENTS FOR THIS ECLIPSE: - Breath Work + Gratitude with Raquelle at 5PM ($15) - Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius KAP with Kimberlie at 6:30PM ($40). Tickets can be found here: RECOMMENDED CRYSTAL FOR THIS ECLIPSE: We recommend working with Ruby+Sapphire crystal this upcoming Lunar Eclipse, to help balance and restore the energy to our bodies, as well as assisting with creative expression and being protective. To shop online visit If you liked this video and you love Liberate consider donating, by clicking on the link below, and help us to continue to make content that changes lives Donate To Liberate |
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