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About EllenAura

Astrology has always been a passion of mine ever since I was little. Growing up, I used to raid my mother's book collection for any astrology books and read about signs and what made them unique. It was not until I did my Natal Chart that I really started to understand how deep the subject of Astrology is.
Every day is a learning experience, and as I dive deeper and deeper into all the knowledge this amazing faith has to offer, I can’t imagine living my life any other way. The beautiful thing about astrology is that it is not supposed to tell you your future, but your POTENTIAL in this world, and there’s nothing more freeing than to know you were born with all the tools you need to succeed.I was introduced to Reiki by my uncle right when I made my move to the US from South America (around 2011) Being able to experience that frequency of energy was so refreshing and helpful to me after making such a life-changing decision. I always had a curiosity when it came to energy healing, but I didn't begin my own Reiki journey until I got certificated back in 2015, after my uncle passed. Being attuned to this life force energy has presented so many transformational events for me and has provided me with loving support and energy when I most needed it. Reiki has quite literally changed my life and the way I perceive/work with energy, and it helps me stay close to my guides, angels, masters and ancestors.

I hope this journey brings enlightenment to your life like it did to mine.

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