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  • Writer's pictureEllenAura


Welcome to December, Taurus. We are really in the home stretch of 2020 and December is a very powerful month to wrap up the year with! On the 1st, Mercury enters your 8th house of Sagittarius, shifting your focus into shared resources, whether these are physical or ethereal. This is also mutable energy, so adaptability when dealing with other people’s stuff can be favorable at this time. On the 14th, we’ll experience a total Solar Eclipse which falls in your 8th house of Sagittarius. Now, in case we haven’t covered this yet, eclipse season is a no-go for manifestation.. The energy is too chaotic and we are unable to work with both the Sun & the Moon as we are used to since this is not a normal lunation. My advice is to use the energy of these eclipses to listen and reflect, see what comes up and what is being brought to your attention! On the 15th, Venus enters your 8th house as well (lots of Sag energy at the beginning of the month!) This can indicate potential pleasantries when dealing with other people, business or even on an emotional level due to Sagittarius’ optimistic qualities. On the 17th, Saturn enters your 10th house of Aquarius, which deals with career and public image. Keep in mind that Saturn is considered one of the slower moving planets, taking 2 and a half/3 years to make its way through a single sign of the zodiac, so these themes might come up over a long period of time. In your case, it will be themes of restructuring your career path and legacy and making sure it is sustainable in the long-run and a solid foundation to keep building upon. A few days after, Jupiter will join Saturn in your 10th house of Aquarius (on the 19th). On the 20th, Mercury enters your 9th house of Capricorn, encouraging you to expand your mind through subjects that spark your interest. On December 21st, Jupiter & Saturn will form what is called “The Great Conjunction”. This is a HUGE planetary alignment that has been falling on earth signs for the past 200 years. This is marking a new “Air” era that we are entering, an era of the mind and intellect. Happening in your 10th house, this brings major attention, restructuring and opportunities into your professional and career world. What are you going to make out of this opportunity? How will you shift your priorities and energy to build a fruitful career and legacy? On the same day, the Sun enters your 9th house of Capricorn, bringing some vitality, energy and warmth to ideas of expanding the mind, your knowledge and your studies (whether this is professional studies, purely hobbies or anything in between) which you can then potentially use to form the foundations and be prepared for opportunities that the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction can manifest. On the 29th, we have a Full Moon in Cancer, basically to wrap up this crazy year. This lunation falls in your 3rd house of thoughts, community and siblings. It can also deal with short term travel. With this lunation, we get a bit of a break from eclipse season, where we can work with these celestial bodies (the Sun and the Moon) as we are used to. Concentrate on releasing anything that’s holding you back around you, Taurus. Do you have any routines or daily minda activities that are detrimental to your creativity, your growth and expansion? Nurture yourself by recognizing what no longer should be, and what possibilities can lie ahead for you if we just shed off a little unnecessary weight off our shoulders. We are almost done with this year, Taurus, you can do it1

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