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Writer's picture: EllenAuraEllenAura

Happy end of the year, Scorpio! December opens up with Mercury ingressing your 2nd house of Sagittarius on the 1st. The 2nd house deals a lot with our values, finances and material possessions and with Mercury being the planet of intellect, this indicates a shift in focus towards all those 2nd house themes. Even if there is no plan of action, you could feel yourself more geared towards paying attention to your values and your relationship with money. On the 14th, we will have a total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, also falling in your 2nd house of finances. Now, in case we haven’t covered this yet, eclipse season is a no-go for manifestation.. The energy is too chaotic and we are unable to work with both the Sun & the Moon as we are used to since this is not a normal lunation. My advice is to use the energy of these eclipses to listen and reflect, see what comes up and what is being brought to your attention! On the 15th, Venus joins the Sun and Mercury in your 2nd house of Sagittarius. Now usually Venus transits are positive for the most part, but given it is also the planet of pleasure, if we don’t have a sense of boundaries then we can get lost in the sauce. Transiting your 2nd house, Venus can indicate a period of time where it can be very easy for you to attract things into your life (it can be good fortune, but mostly financially) but it can also signal an equal need of spending and indulging in what we find pleasurable. On the 17th, Saturn, who has been hanging out in Capricorn for the last 3 years, enters your Aquarius 4th house of home and family. During the next 2 and a half years, you can be dealing with issues that relate to your domestic life. Saturn, being the planet that represents boundaries, discipline, restriction, sustainability and long-term goals, is asking you to really evaluate your personal life and your living situations. What is not working? What could use a tweak or two to make life easier, both physically and mentally? This is about cleaning house both in the physical realm and spiritual realm. Keep in mind that Saturn is considered one of the slower moving planets, taking 2 and a half/3 years to make its way through a single sign of the zodiac, so these themes might come up over a long period of time. On the 19th, Jupiter joins Saturn in your 4th house of Aquarius, indicating expansion, opportunities and optimism when it comes to your home, living space and family. On the 20th, Mercury enters your Capricorn 3rd house of communication and community, indicating a pickup regarding mental activity. This is a good time for all kinds of mental work, especially around your immediate community! On the 21st, Jupiter and Saturn will form what we call “The Great Conjunction” in Aquarius, falling in your 4th house of home & family. This is a HUGE planetary alignment that has been falling on earth signs for the past 200 years. This is marking a new “Air” era that we are entering, an era of the mind and intellect. This conjunction for me is the definition of an opportunity to “level-up” With Jupiters optimist, expansive and opportunist energy mixed with Saturns’ ability to condense, set boundaries and lay out a solid built foundation, you are given the chance to build a foundation that you can benefit from for a long time if you take these energies and use them constructively, especially when it comes to building the idea of what you want your home to look and feel like. On the same day, the Sun enters your 3rd house of Capricorn, bringing some vitality and energy to your thoughts and immediate community interactions. To wrap up the month, we will be experiencing a Full Moon in Cancer, which illuminates your 9th house of higher education, learning & long distance travel. Take this chance to really leave behind any old dated beliefs and ways of thinking are no longer helpful and that have not served your mental growth and expansion. Take a solo trip (safely) to take the pressure off you and be with yourself. We have a beautiful chance to enter 2021 with renewed energy and ready to tackle the year! You got this, Scorpio!

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