Pisces, February is here and we are one month closer to your season! The month opens up with Venus, the planet of love and values, ingressing your 12th house of Aquarius. Venus’ transit through this house is one of the more favorable ones, given some of the themes of what the 12th house consists of, such as sorrow, isolation and imprisonment. This can indicate a time where there is selflessness in your actions and you could be more prone to tend to others before yourself. Find the balance and boundary between tending to your mind and others’ needs during this time. On the 11th, there will be a New Moon in Aquarius, activating your 12th house as well. New Moons are all about new beginnings: What new structures and boundaries can you set for yourself as far as your subconscious mind is concerned? This can signal a somewhat isolated and introspective lunation for you where it could be necessary to dive in deeper into your mind and soul. On the 17th, we will be experiencing the first of three squares between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. Squares represent aspects of friction and tension with the opportunity for growth and learning. This square is activating your 12th and 3rd houses, respectively, meaning that both subconscious and everyday dynamics are coming head to head throughout this entire year. The bright side of this transit is that both of these planets in these specific houses are serving you an opportunity for a clean slate. What clutter can you clear away from your mind, clutter that nobody else but you has to deal with every single day, and what new ways can you think of that will let you implement different forms of thinking and caring for yourself as well as giving you a fresh new perspective to experience your environment? Changes are inevitable and uncomfortable. How can you embrace that space for the best? On the 18th, the Sun enters your Pisces 1st house of self and identity, and for the next 30 days, the warmth and vitality of the Sun’s energy could have you feeling recharged and energized. The Sun’s transit through the first house, the most personal house in the chart, can indicate a time where you’re called to deal with more personal and introspective issues and address these accordingly. It can also be a time where you get in touch with yourself and what makes you happy and feel alive. On the 20th, Mercury stations direct in your 12th house of Aquarius. Pisces, this Aquarius season is probably one of the most introverted and out-of-body experience seasons you could possibly experience, with all these planets roaming your 12th house. With Mercury exiting its retrograde period, some grounding and mental clarity could be pushed forward. Take it day by day and listen to yourself, your needs and your own boundaries! On the 25th, Venus enters your 1st house of Pisces, and this is meant to be a time for you to feel yourself in every type of way! Venus is the planet of money, beauty, art, values, love, sex. In Pisces, it just highlights this energy even more. How can you care for yourself during the next few weeks and indulge in activities that will make you feel good and creative? It can also indicate a time where everything around you seems more harmonious and pleasurable and interactions with others are usually favorable! To end the month, there will be a Full Moon in Virgo on the 27th, illuminating your 7th house of relationships. Full Moons are times of culmination and release, Pisces. Are there any relationships or partnerships that you need to let go of, that are no longer serving its purpose or are not compatible with where you are as a person and in life currently? Sometimes it is okay to let go of some connections in order to make room for new ones, it doesn’t have to be a malicious cut or end of a relationship, it can simply be to make space for new experiencing and letting the universe do its thing.
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