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  • Writer's pictureEllenAura


Pisces! The end of the year is HERE! December opens up with Mercury, the planet of communication, entering your 10th house of career and legacy, indicating a good time for mental activity regarding your career path. Perhaps taking in a new study that can help you grow further or simply making connections that are beneficial for yourself and your career. On the 14th, we will be experiencing a total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, which falls in your 10th house as well. Now, in case we haven’t covered this yet, eclipse season is a no-go for manifestation.. The energy is too chaotic and we are unable to work with both the Sun & the Moon as we are used to since this is not a normal lunation. My advice is to use the energy of these eclipses to listen and reflect, see what comes up and what is being brought to your attention! On the 15th, Venus joins both the Sun and Mercury in your 10th house of career. Usually Venus’ transits to the 10th house tend to be quite fortunate and harmonious, with the potential to draw attention and recognition to your achievements. On the 17th, Saturn enters your 12th house of Aquarius. The 12th house deals with themes of isolation, subconscious and imprisonment and believe it or not, this is where Saturn finds its joy! This marks a period of time where it can be helpful to sort of “clean house” in all matters regarding your mental health and subconscious. What are some behaviours and patterns that are coming up that are detrimental to your spiritual growth? This almost represents the end of a cycle, since Saturn is transiting the last house of the chart before starting all over again. Also keep in mind that Saturn is considered one of the slower moving planets, taking 2 and a half/3 years to make its way through a single sign of the zodiac, so these themes might come up over a long period of time. On the 19th, Jupiter, the planet of expansion, enters your 12th house of Aquarius as well. Jupiter here indicates the opportunity to learn, grow and evolve from the patterns that are discovered that are self-sabotaging and detrimental to you. On the 20th, Mercury enters your 11th house of ideas, hopes and networking. This can indicate a shift of mental focus on ideas you’ve been thinking about/brewing and tending to them, or just simply feeling more communicative in regards to your social circle and friends. On the 21st, Jupiter & Saturn form what we call “The Great Conjunction”, falling in your 12th house of Aquarius. This is a HUGE planetary alignment that has been falling on earth signs for the past 200 years. This is marking a new “Air” era that we are entering, an era of the mind and intellect. This conjunction to me reads as a sort of “level up” opportunity, in which we get to channel both Jupiter’s expansive, opportunist and wisdom energy with Saturn’s structured, sober and realistic approach to form sustainable foundations for the future. In your case, around your subconscious mind. On the same day, the Sun enters your 11th house of Capricorn, joining Mercury. The Sun brings vitality and warmth to your 11th house of friends and networking, indicating that this could be a time where you are drawn to your social groups. To finish up this crazy year, we will be experiencing a Full Moon in Cancer, which is illuminating your 5th house of love, creativity and self-expression. Pisces, this last lunation of 2020 provides us with an amazing outlet to let go and shed old ways, feelings, thoughts and situations that won’t serve us moving forward and into 2021. What is holding you back and preventing you to express yourself in the most authentic way for you? What is holding you back from having fun, being creative and indulging in pleasures? Let go of it, Pisces!

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