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Writer's picture: EllenAuraEllenAura

Pisces, welcome to the month of April! It starts you off with Mercury, the planet of communication, entering your Aries 2nd house of finances and security, indicating a shift of mental focus towards this area of life. Are the foundations you have in place regarding your finances solid and working properly? Is there any room for improvement or modification that can benefit you in the future? Look over and analyze your way of not only making money, but how you invest and spend as well, there is bound to always be room for improvement! On the 11th, there is a New Moon in Aries, also falling in your 2nd house. What new patterns and arrangements can you put in place this lunar cycle that will help you build security and stability, while also allowing you to grow and learn how to further deal with your finances and material possessions? On the 14th, Venus, the planet of money, values and art, enters its home sign of Taurus and your 3rd house of immediate environment and communication. To me, Venus transiting the 3rd house will always remind me of the phrase “stop and smell the flowers”, quite literally. Venus here is asking you to find joy and value in the little things around you, notice the details of the environment and people you are surrounded with in your day to day life. On the 19th, both the Sun and Mercury join Venus in your 3rd house of community and thoughts, bringing more emphasis to these themes and encouraging the exploration of your immediate environment as well as connecting with those around you! On the 23rd, Mars, the planet of action and drive, enters your Cancer 5th house of creativity and self-expression. This transit can have the potential of bringing out a lot of true creative expression and exploration your way, but it is also important to remember that Mars doesn’t function very properly in the water sign of Cancer, so it has a harder time trying to manifest its actions in a direct way. Find the thread that connects your expression to your emotions and let that creativity flow while having a chance to explore new ways of expressing yourself that feel authentic to you. On the 26th and to finish off the month of April, there is a Full Moon in Scorpio, illuminating your 9th house of education and spirituality. What old dated beliefs can you shed during this time, Pisces? Make room to learn new subjects that you resonate and connect with and can learn more from!

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