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  • Writer's pictureEllenAura


Happy October, Libra! We open up this month with a very fiery Full Moon in Aries, falling in your 7th house of relationships and shining a bright light on them and what no longer is productive and/or beneficial for them. This is a time to be true to oneself and let go of any negative patterns and behaviors that are not conducive to good relationship dynamics. For more insight on this lunation CLICK HERE. On the 2nd, Venus (your ruling planet) enters your Virgo 12th house of subconscious and isolation, indicating an energy of selflessness and wanting to serve and be there for others. This can be beneficial in nurturing relationships but can also have a downfall if you expect the instant gratification of the reciprocity of such energies, which is not likely to be the case. On October 13th, Mercury, the planet of intellect and communication, stations retrograde in Scorpio, which can signify delays, miscommunications or rethinking around your finances, how you make and spend your money and what you value materialistically. On the 16th, we have a very busy and packed New Moon in Libra, which activates your 1st house of self and identity. This moon is opposing Mars RX, which means emotions will be running very high when it comes to your relationships. Take time and meditate before this New Moon to really get clear on what you want to bring forth this next lunar cycle. Take a more grounded, logical approach! On October 22nd, the Sun moves out of Libra, marking the official beginning of Scorpio Season! During this time, themes that come up with Mercury RX might be put in the forefront, asking you to prioritize your stability and security and how you’ll move forward once Mercury stations direct on November 3rd. On the 27th, Mercury RX slides back into Libra, bringing with it themes of reconsidering, revision and possible troubles with things having to do with your self, your body and your identity. Later on that same day, Venus, your ruling planet, moves into your 1st house as well. Aside from a sign-based opposition with Mars RX, this transit is time for you to care for yourself and enjoy leisurely time on your own, nurturing your relationship with yourself. Also a great time where keeping the peace (at least in the early degrees of Libra) will come easier. To wrap up the month, we have a Full Moon in Taurus on no other day than Halloween!! This lunation will also be very packed and full of energy, especially being conjunct Uranus (the planet of upheaval and rebellion) This is happening in your 8th house of shared resources, indicating a culmination or release around themes of shared money, taxes, legalities, even death. Is there anything you need to let go of, Libra? Any forced expectations or binding energies around other people’s resources that’s holding you down? This is the time to cut the cords that aren’t needed, to be able to move forward into a new lunar cycle with room for blessings and abundance. You can do it, Libra!

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