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  • Writer's pictureEllenAura


Hi Leo! March is here, and we kick the month off with Mars, the planet of assertion and action, sliding into your gemini 11th house of goals and networking. Now this can be a beneficial transit to work on your ideas, hopes and dreams, but also remember that this house also deals with the connections you have with other people. Sometimes Mars’ energy prefers to thrive alone, for ego purposes, so remember during this time that it could be best to find a middle ground in which you work towards both yours’ and other people’s interests as well for better results! On the 13th, there is a New Moon in Pisces, activating your 8th house of shared resources. This could indicate a good time to envision and manifest a new financial or savings plan for the long run. This New Moon has both Venus and Neptune conjunct, so really get creative about ways you could be investing in your financial future! On the 15th, Mercury joins the Sun, Venus and Neptune in your 8th house of Pisces. Coming so shortly after the New Moon, this could signal a good opportunity to start implementing steps to manifest your intentions into the physical world. What rules and/or structures need to be placed during this time to be able to speak these ideas into reality? On the 20th, the Sun enters your Aries 9th house of education and spirituality, and this can be beneficial to learn a new subject and expand the horizons of your mind. The 9th house often deals with travel as well, so if you find yourself itching to go somewhere and have the means to do so safely, traveling to a place where you will learn something could be a good thing! On the 21st, Venus joins the Sun in your 9th house of Aries, encouraging the exploration of new subjects and themes through art and/or love. Perhaps a relationship will expand your horizons in a different way. To wrap up the month, there will be a Full Moon in Libra on the 28th, illuminating your 3rd house of immediate environment and community. What needs to be purged in this area of life, Leo? What daily routines or everyday happenings are not serving your growth or meeting the expectations of where you are in life at the moment? This Full Moon will be trine both Mars in Gemini and Saturn in Aquarius, giving us a sense of action and responsibility when clearing our path and making way for new things in our lives. You can do this, Leo!

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