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  • Writer's pictureEllenAura


Leo, the month of December opens up for you with Mercury, the planets of intellect and communication, enters your 5th house of Sagittarius. If you’ve been waiting for a perfect moment to express yourself both creatively and emotionally, this is it! 5th house themes are all about creativity, pleasure, fun, sex and children, so if you’ve been feeling a pull towards those themes, when Mercury enters Sagittarius, it's a good time to explore them. On the 14th, we will have a total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. Now, in case we haven’t covered this yet, eclipse season is a no-go for manifestation.. The energy is too chaotic and we are unable to work with both the Sun & the Moon as we are used to since this is not a normal lunation. My advice is to use the energy of these eclipses to listen and reflect, see what comes up and what is being brought to your attention! A day after, on December 15th, Venus enters your 5th house of Sagittarius. Now, Venus transiting the 5th house usually indicates good fortune, pleasurable times and lots of creative self expression, since the 5th house is the house of Venus’ joy. In Sagittarius, this might manifest as wanting to be adventurous & spontaneous. Find fun things to do with loved ones (safely, of course!) during this time. On the 17th, Saturn, who has been hanging out in Capricorn for the last almost 3 years, ingresses your 7th house of Aquarius. Now the 7th house is all about relationships and close partnerships, a house about the “other”. With Saturn entering here, there might be some seriousness and structuring energy making its way into your relationships, with the hopes of being able to construct solid foundations for long-lasting partnerships. Keep in mind that Saturn is considered one of the slower moving planets, taking 2 and a half/3 years to make its way through a single sign of the zodiac, so these themes might come up over a long period of time. On the 19th, Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, will join Saturn in your 7th house of Aquarius, indicating expansion and optimism in our 1 on 1 relationships. A day after, on the 20th, Mercury enters your 6th house of health and coworkers, bringing your focus into your health and daily routines, patterns and activities. Are these really working for you? If not, what new ways can you adapt that are not only logical but also sustainable for your health life? This transit can also indicate good interactions in the workplace with both subordinates and bosses. On the 21st, Jupiter and Saturn will form what we call “The Great Conjunction” in Aquarius. This is a HUGE planetary alignment that has been falling on earth signs for the past 200 years. This is marking a new “Air” era that we are entering, an era of the mind and intellect. This is happening in your 7th house of relationships, marking a sort of new and “level-up” energy in that area of life for you. It can be beneficial to assess our relationships and see which ones are working for you and which ones aren’t (and the ones that aren’t, are there any changes that can be made for these to be beneficial and fruitful?) On the same day, the Sun enters your 6th house of Capricorn, bringing your attention to themes of physical health and your daily routines. This can indicate a lot of emphasis on your health routine and what is working/isn’t working. 6th house themes can also pertain to coworkers, so during this time it’s best not to let your ego get out of hand if you are working for/with other people! To wrap up this INSANE year we’ve been having, we will have a Full Moon in Cancer on December 29th, and it couldn’t be a more perfect way to end 2020. Leo, this lunation is illuminating your 12th house of subconscious. This can indicate an isolated lunation (which is not necessarily bad) With 12th house transits, since it is the most hidden house in the chart, we tend to go inwards and reflect on the deepest parts of our psyche. What patterns, behaviors and self-sabotaging ways can you leave behind in 2020 to embark on a fresh new start with all the lessons learned from this past year in 2021? Think of that and then get ready to release, Leo.

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