October opens up for you with an intense Full Moon in Aries, culminating in your 4th house of home and family, indicating some sort of release and ending with themes concerning one’s immediate environment, living situation, parents or family. Being a Mars ruled lunation, it is a great time to release any anger, frustrations or pent up energy in a creative and productive way. For more insight on this lunation CLICK HERE. On the 2nd, Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters your Virgo 9th house of higher education, inviting you to indulge in the arts as a form of growth and expanding your knowledge (whether its fine arts, painting, entertainment arts, etc.) On October 12th, Mercury, the planet of intellect and communication will station retrograde in Scorpio, falling in your 11th house of networking, social groups and hopes. With Mercury RX, we are always called to step into a moment of re-vision and re-thinking around the themes being highlighted (in this case, your social group of friends, your hopes and wishes) Also, Mercury RX periods tend to signify delays, miscommunications or trouble periods as well, so keep that in mind when it comes to those themes that are being highlighted right now! On the 16th, we have a very packed New Moon in Libra, illuminating your 10th house of career and public image, bringing professional matters to the forefront of this lunation. One thing to keep in mind for this Libra New Moon is to take the time prior to this day to get a clear and grounded idea of what you want to manifest this next lunar cycle, especially when it comes to your work and what you do professionally. The actual energy of the New Moon will be too hectic to be able to get a clear and grounded energy to meditate on for your intentions. On the 22nd, the Sun enters Scorpio, joining Mercury in your 11th house of hopes, wishes and social groups and emphasizing the need to pay attention to things that Mercury RX is bringing up (also Sun transiting the 11th house for me is always a good time for co-operations and being with friends!) On October 27th, Mercury RX slides back into Libra, indicating re-visions and re-thinking in regards to our career life. This is also a good time to check in with those intentions you set back during the Libra New Moon, and how you are tending to them during this lunar cycle. Shortly after, Venus enters your 10th house of Libra, bringing some good fortune to professional, legacy and career matters. Usually a beneficial time, but there’ll be an opposition from Mars later on in her journey that will present some challenges. To end the month, we will experience a Full Moon in Taurus on Halloween (in true spooky fashion!) and this lunation falls in your 5th house of self-expression, fun and creativity. PLUS it is conjunct Uranus, the planet of unexpected and shock. This is probably a really good time to explore your creativity and the way you release and express yourself in very unconventional ways that you wouldn’t really think of. Get wild, Capricorn!
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