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Writer's picture: EllenAuraEllenAura

Happy April, Aquarius! The month kicks off with Mercury, the planet ruling communication, technology and intellect, ingressing your Aries 3rd house of community, immediate environment and thoughts, signaling a surge of mental activity and stimulation when it comes to interacting with everything around you. Try connecting with your environment and people around you and learn about the world you are surrounded by! The Aries energy is supportive of exploring and getting shit done, so take advantage of it! On the 11th, there is a New Moon in Aries, also falling in your 3rd house of community and communication. This can indicate a good time to put in place a new learning process or daily routine, or simply to start implementing a new way of communicating with everyone around you. On the 14th, Venus, the planet of money and relationships, enters its home sign of Taurus and your 4th house of home and family, indicating a period of time where you can connect deeper with your family and ancestry relationships. It can also be a time where you feel inclined to revamp your living space, redecorating and making the space feel more comfortable and comforting. One thing to be weary of is to not overindulge or overspend, since both Venusian and Taurean energy tend to enjoy the fancier things in life. Make practical choices! On the 19th, both the Sun and Mercury join Venus in your 4th house of home and family, bringing more emphasis to these themes. Check in with yourself both mentally and emotionally and ask yourself how this area of life is working for you right now. Are you happy where you live? What do the relationships that you have based on your home and family look like? Are these serving their purposes and helping you or are they hindering you? Communicating your thoughts and feelings during this transit and clearing some of these things up could be beneficial right now! On the 23rd, Mars enters your Cancer 6th house of work and health. Traditionally, the 6th house is where Mars finds its joy, but Cancer is its place of fall, meaning it can’t function properly as it would in its home sign. The nature of the 6th house is that of service, so during this time it's more likely that you could be working for and responding to others, which can be a bit contradictory to Mars energy of self-autonomy and independence. If you can, find work you can do by yourself that will still be of service to others that will also be emotionally fulfilling for you. To close off the month of April, we will be experiencing a Full Moon in Scorpio on the 26th, which illuminates your 10th house of career and public image. Talk about an ultimate opportunity for external release, Aquarius! What can you clean out in this area of life that will make room for new projects and career plans for you? Full Moons are times of culmination, exposure and illumination, and happening in the most visible house in your chart, it presents you with the opportunity to be transparent with yourself about what you want to let go of this time around.

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